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WOMENinICT: Empfang für das Digi Women Cluster Kosovo, 4. Juni 2024 17:30h

Time: 5.30 pm (admission)

Where: Lieber.Group, Gumpendorfer Straße 19, 1060 Vienna

6.00 pm  Welcome:
Konrad Wieland, CEO Lieber Lieber Software GmbH
Lisa Hruby, Marketing Manager, Lieber.Group & WOMENinICT Ambassador

6.15 pm  WOMENinICT – Overview and current activities
Christine Wahlmüller-Schiller, CEO WOMENinICT &
AIT Center for Technology Experience, Lead Marketing & Communications

6.30 pm  Impulse “How intelligent is AI?”
Sabine Singer, CEO Sophisticated Simplicity GmbH & WOMENinICT Ambassador


This impulse highlights the fascinating synergy between artificial, human and emotional intelligence and how they are revolutionising our lives. Learn how Artificial Intelligence (AI) enables machines to master complex tasks that were once the sole preserve of humans. Experience the harmonious collaboration of human creativity and emotional intelligence in areas such as medical diagnosis and creative processes. The ethical challenges associated with the use of AI will also be discussed. Be inspired by a vision where technology and humanity work hand in hand to create a better, more empathetic future.

6.50 pm  Questions & Discussion

7.15 pm  Networking & Refreshments