Austrian Software Innovation Association
Software Connects
The Austrian Software Innovation Association (VÖSI) is the only independent Austrian platform for companies in the software industry.
Our goal is to strengthen the Austrian software industry nationally and internationally, to create framework conditions for sustainable economic success and to promote the social discourse on software.
As an association for austrian companies, we only can give a small overview of our work
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Benefits for members
What VÖSI can do for you
The „VÖSI Branchentalk“, which takes place once a quarter, has developed over the years into an exclusive IT industry meeting place. Current topics are presented by experts and then discussed.
The VÖSI has positioned itself as an industry communication platform. The VÖSI board holds regular talks with ministries, chambers of commerce, universities and the like. Institutions.
Continuous press work is the mouthpiece between the IT industry and the media. We communicate the economic and social positions of our members. We initiate marketing measures to promote awareness of our member companies in the Austrian software/IT sector.
Working Groups
Representatives of the member companies meet in regular working groups in which market-relevant topics are dealt with and published via the communication channels.
Exchange of experience
VÖSI offers platforms for the exchange of experience and knowledge and for establishing new contacts at specialist and management level. The aim is to network the members through direct knowledge exchange in working groups and at the quarterly VÖSI Branchentalk
The VÖSI Newsletter informs about events, news and everything that moves the Austrian software industry. » Subscribe to Newsletter
Contact VÖSI
Austrian Software Innovation Association
Eschenbachgasse 11
1010 Wien
Telefon: 0650 4457695
Email: office{@]voesi.or.at